Sr. No. Title Description Start Date End Date Download/Details
1 Advertisement for Invitation of Application for engagement of GIS Expert, DEO, Driver and Facility Assistant in the various facilities of the Angul Forest Division

Advertisement for Invitation of Application for engagement of GIS Expert, DEO, Driver and Facility Assistant in the various facilities of the Angul Forest Division

15-03-2024 27-03-2024 Advertisement for DEO Driver GIS Expert of DFO Angul.pdf (2.03 MB)
2 ADVERTISEMENT FOR EMPANELMENT OF CONTRACTUAL TEACHERS 15-03-2024 28-03-2024 advertisement of contractual003.pdf (2.01 MB)
3 Advertisement no:406/UB/ANGDt:16.02.2024 for Child Care of utkal balashram,Angul

Advertisement no:406/UB/ANGDt:16.02.2024 for Child Care of utkal balashram,Angul

17-02-2024 27-02-2024 2024021719 (1).pdf (1.27 MB)
4 Advertising no: 439 Dt: 16.02.2024 for contractual employee currently working under NHM, Zilla Swasthya Samiti, Angul.

Advertising no: 439 Dt: 16.02.2024 for contractual employee currently working under NHM, Zilla Swasthya Samiti, Angul.

17-02-2024 29-02-2024 2024021770.pdf (628.11 KB)
5 Advertisement(No.515,Dt.28-12-23) for Bank Mitra under the GPLF By BLF,Banarpal Block,Office of The Zilla Parishad,Angul.

Advertisement(No.515,Dt.28-12-23) for Bank Mitra under the GPLF By BLF,Banarpal Block,Office of The Zilla Parishad,Angul.

02-01-2024 20-01-2024 2024010271_0.pdf (3.35 MB)
6 Advertisement (No.01 Dt. 01-01-24) for applying stall allotment registration form for Athmallik Mahotsav-2024. NAC Athmallik

Advertisement (No.01 Dt. 01-01-24) for applying stall allotment registration form for Athmallik Mahotsav-2024. NAC Athmallik

02-01-2024 11-01-2024 2024010272.pdf (1.43 MB)
7 Advertisement No.3004 Dt.16-12-23 for engagement of lady Matron/junior matron on contractual basis in girls’ hostel, Office Of The Collector & District Magistrate, Angul.

Advertisement No.3004 Dt.16-12-23 for engagement of lady Matron/junior matron on contractual basis in girls’ hostel, Office Of The Collector & District Magistrate, Angul.


19-12-2023 01-01-2024 2023121984.pdf (1.26 MB)
8 Advertisement (No.248/NHAI,Dt 19-12-23) for Walk-in-Interview for the post of clerk-cum Accountant and RI.Office Of The Cala-Cum Tahasildar Talcher,Angul

Advertisement (No.248/NHAI,Dt 19-12-23) for Walk-in-Interview for the post of clerk-cum Accountant and RI.Office Of The Cala-Cum Tahasildar Talcher,Angul


21-12-2023 04-01-2024 2023122190.pdf (553.1 KB)
9 Advertisement for walk-In-Interview for engagement of subject Teachers (English, Science) in the Anwesha hostel in Angul district, District Welfare Officer, Angul.

Advertisement for walk-In-Interview for engagement of subject Teachers (English, Science) in the Anwesha hostel in Angul district, District Welfare Officer, Angul.


07-12-2023 16-12-2023 2023120772.pdf (2.14 MB)
10 Invitation of application for Biogas plant under GOBARdhan scheme. Zilla Parishad,Angul.

Invitation of application for Biogas plant under GOBARdhan scheme. Zilla Parishad,Angul.


04-10-2023 05-12-2023 2023100427.pdf (4.94 MB)