Sl No. Title Description Start Date End Date Documents
81 List of Successful Candidates selected for appointment to the post of Jr. Clerk-cum-Copyist, District Court Angul 14-12-2020 14-01-2021
82 Final Merit list and reject list of Candidates applied for the post of Jr. Clerk-cum-Accountant for the OAVs-2020 under Angul District. 16-11-2020 16-12-2020
83 Provisional Merit list and reject list of Candidates applied for the post of Jr. Clerk-cum-Accountant . 22-10-2020 05-11-2020
84 Shortlisted candidates of the Kumurisingha GPLF (COE) for the post of Programme Manager, Accountant & MIS Assistant. 21-10-2020 27-10-2020
85 Posting order of MPHW(F) COVID-19, Angul. 07-08-2020 07-09-2020
86 Publication of merit list of MPHW(F) 06-08-2020 06-08-2021
87 Appointment order for posting of Jr.Lab. Tech (path)/ Junior Radiographer / Pharmacist in the District of Angul 18-06-2020 18-07-2020
88 Final merit list of Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Lab. Technician, Radiographer, MPHW(F), MPHW(M) 30-03-2020 30-06-2020
89 List of candidates have qualified in the written examination held on 05.01.2020 for the post of Jr. Typist, Jr Clerk-cum-copyist, Stenographer Grade-III 20-03-2020 20-04-2020
90 The tests for the post of Jr Clerk-cum-Copyist, Jr Typist & Stenographer Gr-III scheduled to be held on 01.04.2020 is hereby postpone until further order. 20-03-2020 20-04-2020