Activities on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs):
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) contribute significantly to value addition, employment generation, exports and over all growth and development of the country’s economy. Govt. of India has enacted the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 with a view to provide a comprehensive legal frame work to address the needs of both the manufacturing and the service sector MSMEs, particularly to enable the MSMEs of the country to face the emerging challengers in globalised and competitive market. The Government of India has announced an all India campaign under the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP) for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises so as to withstand global and organized competition and to thrive through better technologies and skills. The Govt. of Odisha has also notified Industrial Policy Resolution–20015 (IPR–2015) MSME Policy 2016 & OFPP-2016 which provides specific fiscal as well as non–fiscal interventions to develop the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the State.
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises play a major role in the industrial growth and augmenting employment opportunities, revenue, exports and economic growth. However, the MSMEs of the country as well as the state suffer from typical weakness and problems and have specific needs and requirements. In order to address such problems, needs and requirements of MSMEs of the State in a focused manner and for their revival and development, Govt. of Odisha has declared a policy as “ODISHA MSME DEVELOPMENT POLICY, 2009/ 2016 and OFPP-2013 & 2016MSMEsto apply for various incentives in the prescribed forms.
(i) To catalyse setting up of new MSMEs.
(ii) To maximize growth of existing MSMEs.
(iii) To arrest sickness of MSMEs through bank.
(iv) To revive sick MSMEs as per RBI guideline.
(v) To broad base the growth of MSMEs in all potential sectors of economy
(vi) To provide opportunities to local entrepreneurial talent.
(vii) To maximize avenues for employment generation.
(viii) To make focused effort for sustainable and inclusive industrial growth aiming at balanced regional development.
(ix) To promote entrepreneurial spirit amongst the educated youth.
(x) To enhance the contribution of MSMEs in manufacturing and services sector of the State’s economy.
Ceiling limits of MSME:
1) Micro Enterprise:
A) Manufacturing Activities : Investment in Plant and Machineries upto Rs.25.00 lakhs.
B) Servicing Activities : Investment in Plant and Machinery upto Rs.10.00 lakhs.
II) Small Enterprises:
A) Manufacturing Activities : Investment in Plant and Machinery upto Rs.05.00 Crores.
B) Servicing Activities : Investment in Plant and Machinery upto Rs.2.00 Crores
III) Medium Enterprise:
Investment in Plant and Machinery above 5.00 crores and below Rs.10.00 crore.
The District has its own heritage of art and craft such as Dokra casting, Wood curving , Cane & Bamboo Craft, Terracotta, brass & Bell metal, soft toys & Art Textile etc. As many as 2000 artisans of the district directly depend on those crafts for their livelihood. Handicraft Sector has ample scope for employment generation with low capital investment using simple technology & local resources.
Some Clusters have been developed through Training to 600 artisans for skill up-gradation/ development Programme of Craft village Programme. The prominent Crafts are Terracotta/ Brass & Bell Metals Cane &Bamboo and applique etc.Besides Technology has been upgraded conducting Design Development Programme at Chheliapada & Paripara for Terracotta Craft Cluster. Identified Traditional/trained artisans are being provided margin money assistance for availing bank finance to set up their own production unit under the scheme of Silpi Unati Yojana.
Organization structure :
(1) Name of the Deptt. :-MSME., Govt. of Odisha
(2) Controlling Officer :-a) Director of Industries, Odisha, Cuttack
b) Director of Handicraft and Cottage Industries, Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
District Industries Centre (DIC)
DIC, Angul is functioning at Hemsurapada, Angul since 01.01.2000 after bifurcation of the erstwhile Dhenkanal District to provide various support service for potential entrepreneur under Single roof. The aim and objective of DIC is to promote Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with Ancillary and Downstream Industries, promotion of Handicraft and Cottage Industries and implementation of Govt. sponsored programmes and scheme of OKVIB, Bhubaneswar.
Role of DIC for promotion of MSMEs:
i) Identification of viable projects based on availability of local resources and trend of market demand.
ii) Identification of potential entrepreneurs and tagging with viable projects.
iii) Issue of Entrepreneurs Identification Number (EIN) through online.
iv) Arrangement for infrastructural assistance through Institutional linkage.
v) Issue of Production Certificate after commercial production through online.
vi) Marketing support & allotment of raw materials through different promotional agencies.
vii) Identification of existing MSMEs for registration under Ancillary Development programmes of mother plants in and around district.
viii)Entrepreneurs are being used web portal of MSME Deptt. Govt. of Odisha, for issue of EIN & PC < >
ix) Verification of UdyogAadhar Memorandum.
x) Handholding of units GeM&ZeD registration.
Special emphasis is being given for promotion of MSME sector under single window clearance mechanism. (DSWCA) application received throughGo-SWIFT (Single Window Portal (SWP )< > for issue of clearance from different agencies including allotment of land/ shed are being streamlined. District Single Window Clearance Authority Committee to approve project cost upto 50 crores basing the recommendation of the District Level Facilitation Cell (DLFC).
The DSWCA has been constituted under the Chairmanship of the Collector & District Magistrate,Angul and the designated date i.e. 25th of each month.
PMEGP :- This is a Central Govt. Sponsored Scheme being implemented through DIC, Angul since 2008-09. Applications are being received from the eligible candidates through online < PMEGP-eportal>. After approval of DLTFC the applications are being sponsored to Banks for financial assistance through online. KVIC is the Nodal Agency of the scheme.
Address of the Office:
District Industries Centre, Angul
At./P.O.- Hemsurpada, PIN: 759122,
Angul District, Odisha, India
Tel.: 06764-233781 email < >