Sl No. Title Description Start Date End Date Documents
131 Engagement of Shiksha Sahayak (Junior Teacher Contractual)-2nd phase 05-12-2018 05-12-2019
132 Appointment order of one Junior Clerk under SSEPD Department 05-12-2018 05-01-2019
133 Publication of Selection List of Sikshya Sahayaks (Jr. Teacher-Contractual) of ST&SC Dev. Section, Angul 02-11-2018 24-10-2019
134 Appointment order of 13 Junior clerks in Angul District under SSEPD Department. 06-10-2018 23-10-2018
135 Provisional merit list & Provisional reject list for the post of Jr. Clerk-cum-Accountant in the OAV, Khandahata & Raniakata 11-09-2018 20-09-2018
136 Provisional draft list of Accountant-cum-support staff & MIS-cum-Planning Coordinator (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Angul) 14-08-2018 25-08-2018
137 The Scrutiny data base of the candidates for different posts (in house) under NHM Angul, Notice No.1784 Dt. 18-07-2018 19-07-2018 27-07-2018