Roads and Buildings Division
1.Background and Objective
Road & Building Division, Angul was started functioning w.e.f. 12th November 1981. The division plays a vital role in development progress of Angul district by providing basic infrastructures like Road network & Building. This Division plays an important role for providing connection between Districts through State Highways (S.H.), Block Head Quarters with District Head Quarters through Major District Road (M.D.R), Other District Road (O.D.R.) and sustainable quality infrastructures of Non-Residential & Residential buildingsof different departments.This Division shoulders important responsibilities on behalf of Government of Odisha to monitor expenditure under different schemes of State Government as well as Central government for provision and maintenance of major infrastructure of the district. It deals with Health, Education, Agriculture, revenue, Tourism, Judicial, home and many other important Departments.
Provision of the State Highway (S.H.),Major District Road (M.D.R) and Other District Road (O.D.R.) by this Department facilitates smooth&safe travel by people to Block & District Head Quarters, development of Tourism Industry, movement of Mineral products like Coal from Mineral rich areas of District to other part of the State for development of economical & social status of the district.
The Division keeps connecting between different Districts such as Angul, Boudh&Dhenkanal, Deogarh&keonjhar. The jurisdiction of R&B, Angul covers 5 Assembly Constituencies namely Athamallik, Angul, Chhendipada, Talcher&Pallahara and 8 nos. of Blocks namely Athamallik, Angul, Banarpal, Chhendipada, Kaniha, Kishorenagar, Talcher&Pallahara.
2.Organisation Structure
Executive Engineer(Roads and buildings)
A) Deputy Executive Engineer, (Roads) Sub-Divn. Angul
Assistant Engineer, Roads Section, Angul
Assistant Engineer, Chhendipada Section
Assistant Engineer, Purunakote Section
B)Assistant Executive Engineer (Bldg.) Sub-Divn. Angul
Assistant Engineer, Sec-I, Angul
Assistant Engineer, Sec-II, Angul
Junior Engineer, Sec-III, Angul
C)Assistant Executive Engineer, General Electrical Sub-Divn. (R&B)Angul
Junior Engineer, General Electrical Section, Angul
D)Assistant Executive Engineer,(R&B) Sub-Divn.Boinda
Assistant Engineer, Boinda Section
Assistant Engineer, Athamallik Section
Junior Engineer, Thakurgarh Section
E)Assistant Executive Engineer ,(R&B) Sub-Divn.Pallahara
Junior Engineer, Pallahara Section
Assistant Engineer, Khamar Section
F)Assistant Executive Engineer, (R&B) Sub-Divn. Talcher
Assistant Engineer, (Bldg.) Section, Talcher
Assistant Engineer, (Roads) Section, Talcher
Junior Engineer, Kaniha Section
Major activities of this Division are Improvement, Widening as well as Repair, maintenance of entire road network comprising SHs, MDRs and ODRs spread across the district. The Division is also constructing Government buildings (both Residential & Non-Residential) and keep dogwatch towards repair & maintenance of the newly constructed or handed over buildings. The coverage of this Division includes 55nos. of roads with total length of 885km comprising of 174.30km SH, 29.7km MDR and 680.64 km ODR. This Division maintains 1,26,971sqm of Non-Residential building and 44,938sqm of residential building including Civil, Internal Electrical & PH works.
Schemes under which funding is being received
1.Central Road Fund (C.R.F.)
2.Core Road Network (C.R.N.)
3.Additional Central Assistance (A.C.A.)
4.Economic Importance (E.I.)
1.State Highway Development Programme (S.H.D.P.)
2.State Plan
3.Nabard Assistance (R.I.D.F.)
State Plan
Allotment through different deposit schemes such as C.S.R. fund of NALCO, MCL& District Mineral Fund (D.M.F) are being received for development of physical infrastructures of Angul district.
Executive Engineer (Roads and Buildings)
Angul -759122