Sl No. Title Description Start Date End Date Documents
101 Provisional Merit list for the post of Jr. Radiographer of Angul District in the advt. No-13 dated 29.11.2017 06-01-2020 21-01-2020
102 Provisional Merit list for the post of Jr. Lab. Technician of Angul District in the advt. No-13 dated 29.11.2017 06-01-2020 21-01-2020
103 Total list for the post of Jr. Laboratory Technician for the Year 2019 of Angul District 31-10-2019 15-11-2019
104 Total list for the post of Jr. Laboratory Technician for the Year 2019 of Angul District 25-10-2019 08-11-2019
105 Total list for the post of Attendant for the Year 2019 of Angul District 25-10-2019 08-11-2019
106 Total list for the post of Jr. Radiographer for the Year 2019 of Angul District 25-10-2019 08-11-2019
107 Total list for the post of Pharmacist for the Year 2019 of Angul District 25-10-2019 08-11-2019
108 List of Qualified Candidates for Computer & Typing test, for the post of Jr. Clerk, Jr. Clerk-cum-Typist for the Dist. Legal Services Authority, Angul 04-10-2019 04-11-2019
109 List of candidates comeout successful in the written examination for the post of Jr. Clerk, Jr. Clerk-cum-Typist for the Dist. Legal Services Authority, Angul 27-09-2019 27-10-2019
110 Cancellation notice of Zilla Swasthya Samiti, Angul 26-09-2019 26-10-2019