S. No. Title Description Start Date End Date Download/Details
971 Re-advertisement of Municipality Office, Angul for collection of parking fee near R.M.C. (Weekly Market) Re-advertisement of Municipality Office, Angul for collection of parking fee near R.M.C. (Weekly Market) 07-12-2019 16-12-2019 Download(433.06 KB)Re-advertisement of Municipality Office, Angul for collection of parking fee near R.M.C. (Weekly Market)
972 Tender call notice for tentage & allied work for state level science mathematics and environment exhibition 2019 Tender call notice for tentage & allied work for state level science mathematics and environment exhibition 2019 05-12-2019 12-12-2019 Download(2.96 MB)Tender call notice for tentage & allied work for state level science mathematics and environment exhibition 2019
973 Quotation / Tender Call Notice No.3621 Dt.11.11.2019 of Tahasil office, Angul. Quotation / Tender Call Notice No.3621 Dt.11.11.2019 of Tahasil office, Angul. 13-11-2019 28-11-2019 Download(379.43 KB)Quotation / Tender Call Notice No.3621 Dt.11.11.2019 of Tahasil office, Angul.
974 Invitation of tenders for purchase of different items for NPCB, Angul for the FY 2019-20. Invitation of tenders for purchase of different items for NPCB, Angul for the FY 2019-20. 19-11-2019 27-11-2019 Download(1 MB)Invitation of tenders for purchase of different items for NPCB, Angul for the FY 2019-20.
975 Registration of Firms/Suppliers for Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Angul Registration of Firms/Suppliers for Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Angul 05-11-2019 20-11-2019 Download(201.24 KB)Registration of Firms/Suppliers for Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Angul
976 Invitation of tender of Municipality Office, Angul for collection of parking fee at RMC Invitation of tender of Municipality Office, Angul for collection of parking fee at RMC 16-11-2019 19-11-2019 Download(414.18 KB)Invitation of tender of Municipality Office, Angul for collection of parking fee at RMC
977 Tender call notice for providing hired vehicle (RBSK-MHT) under NHM, ZSS,Angul. Tender call notice for providing hired vehicle (RBSK-MHT) under NHM, ZSS,Angul. 03-11-2019 18-11-2019 Download(1.59 MB)Tender call notice for providing hired vehicle (RBSK-MHT) under NHM, ZSS,Angul.
978 Quotation for Hoarding & Printing works under DDU-GKY. Quotation for Hoarding & Printing works under DDU-GKY. 07-11-2019 15-11-2019 Download(591.13 KB)Quotation for Hoarding & Printing works under DDU-GKY.
979 Notice of Angul Municipality Dt.24.10.2019 Notice of Angul Municipality Dt.24.10.2019 24-10-2019 01-11-2019 Download(158.31 KB)Notice of Angul Municipality Dt.24.10.2019
980 Quotation Call Notice for errection of hoarding/middle pole advertisement within Angul Municipality Area Quotation Call Notice for errection of hoarding/middle pole advertisement within Angul Municipality Area 23-10-2019 31-10-2019 Download(272.84 KB)Quotation Call Notice for errection of hoarding/middle pole advertisement within Angul Municipality Area