S. No. | Title | Date Range | Download/Details |
91 | Course preparation program during holidays. | - | Download(298.7 KB) |
92 | Passenger vehicles are ordered to park at the new bus terminal and Field review on progress work of NH -55 | - | Download(528.87 KB) |
93 | District level Poshan Abhiyan organised at Angul | - | Download(1.12 MB) |
94 | Training Workshop for Social and Educational Survey of Backward Classes | - | Download(570.6 KB) |
95 | Passing out ceremony of Forest Rangers held at Angul . | - | Download(581.06 KB) |
96 | District-level joint public hearing camp was held. | - | Download(509.78 KB) |
97 | National Safe Motherhood Day was celebrated at district hospital Angul. | - | Download(620.01 KB) |
98 | District level awareness program on PCA ACT & Rules held at Angul. | - | Download(650.64 KB) |
99 | Baba Saheb Dr. B.R Ambedkar’s birth anniversary was celebrated. | - | Download(935.77 KB) |
100 | Joint public hearing camp was held at Banarpal. | - | Download(702.29 KB) |
101 | District-level joint public hearing camp was held. | - | Download(599.63 KB) |
102 | Inauguration of Entrepreneurs Week -2023 by District Industrial Centre. | - | Download(495.53 KB) |
103 | District level Panchayati Raj and Lokaseba Day celebrations. | - | Download(522.12 KB) |
104 | Celebration of International Women’s Day. | - | Download(224.42 KB) |
105 | Pilgrims of Angul district are visiting Shirdi & Nashik under Baristha Nagarika Tirtha Yatra Yojana. | - | Download(796.95 KB) |