District Employment Exchange
Name of the Organisation: District Employment Exchange, Angul
Department with contact address :- Skill Development & Technical Education Department, Govt. of Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
District Office
District Employment Officer, District Employment Exchange, Hemsurpada, Back Side of Angul Jail, At/Po/Dist.-Angul, Pin-759122
Phone No.-06764-230216 e-mail-employmentangul@yahoo.com
Sub-Division Office
Junior Employment Officer, Employment Sub-Office, At/Po-Athamalik, Dist.-Angul
Junior Employment Officer, Employment Sub-Office, At/Po-Pallahara, Dist.-Angul
Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange, South Balanda, Talcher, Dist-Angul
Location of Offices
District Employment Exchange at Hemsurpada, Back Side of Angul Jail, At/Po/Dist.-Angul, Pin-759122
Employment Sub-Office, Athamalik, Nuasahi, Po-Athamalik
Employment Sub-Office, Pallahara near Satsang Kendra, PO-Pallahara
Specila Employment Exchange, South Balanda, Talcher.
About the Department :-
District Employment Exchange, Angul started functioning from 1st April 1993. Employment Sub-Office, Athamalik started functioning since 1993 and Employment Sub-Office, Pallahara started functioning from 1st April 1993. Employment Sub-Offices, Athamalik & Pallahara works under administrative control of District Employment Exchange, Angul. District Employment Exchange, Angul functions under Director of Employment & Member Secretary OSDA at district level under Skill Development and Technical Education Department, Govt. of Odisha.
Organisation Chart :-
District Employment Officer
Junior Employment Officer
Head Clerk etc. contd.
The Main Objectives of this Department
Vocational Guidance – The prime work of the unit is to suggest the ways and means to the students, unemployed youth and job-seekers to build up their career.
Collection of Employment Market Information – Collection of statistical man power data of all employed persons and vacancy position from all public sector and private sector establishments of the district to study the demand of employment market.
Registration of unemployed Job Seekers of the district and preparation of statistical data of all registered unskilled and skilled unemployed youth.
Sponsoring of names of job seekers to the Employers befitting qualifications and experience required by them.
Guidance to the jobseekers for promotion of self employment and entrepreneurship.
Mobilization of jobseekers to skill development training programmes for enhancing their employability.
Organisation of job fairs and Block Level Counselling Camps for access to a wide range of employers for placement opportunities in private sectors.
Connecting youth with job opportunities available at national level in a transparent and effective manner through the use of technology as well as through counselling.
Chief Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (CMEGP) :-
Government of Odisha has launched the Chief Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (CMEGP) in 2014-15 to impart Skill training to 11 lakh youth by 2018-19. The objective behind this Programme is to provide employable skill training to 150 youth from each of the Gram Panchayat for improving employability.
Towards this 10 major Departments are engaged in Skill Development activities and they include Skill Development and Technical Education Department through Directorate of Technical education and Training (DTE & T), Odisha Skill Development Authority, Panchayati Raj Department , ST & SC Development Department, Housing and Urban Development Department, Agriculture, Handloom & Textiles , Commerce & Transport, Fisheries & ARD, W & CD, Information and Communication Technology Department.
Chief Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (CMEGP)
Skill Development and Technical Education Department (SD & TE)
Director of Employment & Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA)
Placement Linked Training Programme (PLTP) of OSDA at District Level
Brief details about Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA) :
All the functions of OSDA are monitored at district level by District Employment Exchange , Angul. Odisha Skill Development Authority has been established to guide, implement, coordinate and oversee all skill development programs in the state. OSDA works with an overarching mission to bring transformative human development through skilling of youth and making skilled-in-Odisha a Global Brand.
OSDA is working relentlessly towards Government of Odisha’s highest priority i.e. skill development in the state. OSDA seeks to ensure quality skill training standards and aims at sustained employability of provide outstanding skilled workforce comparable to the best in the world.
Placement Linked Training Programme (PLTP) of Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA):- Govt. of Odisha sponsored Skill Development Training Programme under Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA) through Private / Government Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) for skilling youth of Odisha for enabling their Employability.The dominant Sectors in which the training is being conducted are Electrical, Apparel and Garments, Construction, ICT, Medical and Nursing, Plastic Processing, Refrigeration and Air- Conditioning, Production and Manufacturing, Hospitality, Automotive, Fabrication and Fashion Design.The training programmes are third-party assessment based and successful trainees are awarded NCVT or SSC certificates. To bring discipline in implementation of PLTP programmes Bio-metric Attendance in the training Centres and Hostels has been made mandatory. In addition, uniform dress code for the trainees has also been introduced. Un-employed youth of any category of district between age group 18-35 years and 5th pass on onwards can be admitted in any residential or non residential OSDA PLTP training centre in the State run by MoU signed PIAs of OSDA. After completion of skill development training PIA place the candidates in private sector companies/ organizations in various different locations in India.
Whom to Contact: For OSDA PLTP training, career counseling and information about the job opportunities candidates may contact District Employment Officer at District level